
dTHS Alum Featured in Dallas Express

Thrilled to share that de Toledo alumnus Nathan S. ('19), a current student at the University of Texas at Austin, today had an op-ed published in the Dallas Express newspaper.
Entitled 'UT Austin Protects Graduation', Nathan's op-ed focuses on how his university was able to protect its students and protect its graduation ceremony, when that hasn't been the case at other universities around the nation.

Nathan - and so many other de Toledo grads - have been front and center in the movement of Jewish students standing up and speaking out on college campuses to fight against harassment and intimidation.

Nathan's op-ed can be read here:

Well done, Nathan!

Located in the San Fernando Valley portion of the City of Los Angeles in Northern Los Angeles County. de Toledo High School is accredited by the California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS), the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and Builders of Jewish Education (BJE,) and financially supported by the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles and the Jim Joseph Foundation.