Once the academic year is underway, the student’s Grade Level Dean, along with the College Counselor, assists students in making academic decisions or finding solutions to problems, and participates in further academic advising. Grade Level Deans review mid-term notices and grade reports, and regularly confer with each student concerning academic progress. The College Counseling department is consulted if any changes to academic or elective courses are recommended.
Near the close of the academic year, each department assesses each student’s achievement and recommends appropriate placements for the year to come. The Grade Level Dean, in consultation with the College Counselor, reviews these recommendations to create a course of study that will offer each student a reasonable level of challenge, offer intellectual stimulation in the areas of greatest interest, offer a comprehensive program of Judaic instruction, and lead to completion of expectations for university or other post-secondary education.
Parents/guardians receive the student’s recommended program with a list of all courses open to the student. After the family confers and returns program materials to the school, college counselors meet one-on-one with each student to go over plans and progress. Once the courses are finalized, the Academic Coordinator constructs schedules for the upcoming year. The College Counseling Department not only oversees a student’s academic progress, but also reviews students’ performance in light of the college admission process.