dTHS News

dTHS Senior River S. (’25) Wins Prestigious Gold Key Literary Award

Everyone in the de Toledo community would like to congratulate current senior River S. (’25) for winning the VERY PRESTIGIOUS Los Angeles Regional GOLD KEY Scholastic Art and Writing Award for their powerful critical essay entitled “Standardized Testing:  Why It’s Only a Wealth Test.”


Originally composed for their AP English Language class taught by Mr. Soltis, River first explored the connection between selective schools and SAT/ACT requirements. After consulting with Mr. Soltis, River’s official GOLD KEY entry also then included a penetrating analysis of how universities can often leverage standardized testing’s inherent bias toward wealthier families to form profiles of students’ financial status through their test submissions.

Having now succeeded in the Los Angeles regional round, River moves on to the national competition where the prizes include $12k college scholarships.

Way to go, River!  We’re so proud of you!

Located in the San Fernando Valley portion of the City of Los Angeles in Northern Los Angeles County. de Toledo High School is accredited by the California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS), the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and Builders of Jewish Education (BJE,) and financially supported by the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles and the Jim Joseph Foundation.